Manchestereveningnews 8mos ago
The twisted love notes and Snapchats that damned sex predator teacher Rebecca Joynes

It was the middle of the summer when the police knocked at the door of Rebecca Joynes' apartment. The flat was part of a luxury complex with a 24-hour gym, cinema room, concierge and picturesque views of Salford Quays and Manchester United's home ground. It was also a crime scene.

Panicked by the sudden rap at the door, Joynes grabbed her phone and clicked 'factory settings', in a bid to erase incriminating evidence. Minutes ticked by before she summoned the courage to open the door.

But it was too late - her vile offending had already been exposed. The Greater Manchester teacher, who had already been charged with sex offences against one pupil (Boy A), was being arrested for having sex - and getting pregnant - by another (Boy B).

As the officers made their way around her apartment, they were met with a disturbing truth. Scattered around the flat were rose petals, a birthday card for the second teen (Boy B), handwritten notes and a baby grow. It later became clear that Joynes had planned a date night to give the boy the news that she was pregnant and he was the father.

'Your first surprise is waiting for you where we spend more time in the summer.'

'Where do we keep all of the goodies?'

'Where do you like to aim your wee after sex?'

'Find the final surprise where we should be having cuddles right now.'

With the final note they found a small baby grow with the words: 'I love my daddy to the moon and back' embossed on it.

"We are both extremely stressed but I really hope we can work something out together to keep things going well longer. I don't think you understand how much I really do love you.

"You genuinely are my whole world. You have no idea how perfect I think you are. You are all I have ever dreamed about - it's why I'm spending every second I can with you.

Joynes, 30, has now been convicted of six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child following a two week trial at Manchester Crown Court. She denied any sexual activity had taken place when either boy was underage, stating that the first, Boy A, was 'lying' that anything had happened at all.

In Boy A's case, she had also reset her phone in an effort to hide the messages between them. But police were able to recover messages from his device, which recorded the build-up to a Trafford Centre shopping trip where she bought him a PS345 Gucci belt, before taking him back to her flat at Salford Quays and having sex with him in October 2021.

That came after Boy A asked for her phone number. Instead of doing what any responsible teacher would do, Joynes gave him nine of the numbers and left him to work out the rest. When he called, she didn't pick up. But a Snapchat conversation - and a dangerous escalation - soon followed.

"Are you going to ignore me then... I see how it is," Boy A messaged her.

'I don't like [school subject], get too distracted now," he said.

"It better had be from the work," Joynes messaged.

"Of course Miss, what else would it be," Boy A replied.

"Good [emoji]", she sent back.

"Am I coming later or no?" he asked.

"You better had come now you told me you are," she said.

The boy had joked with friends that he was going to 's**g' Joynes. Then she arranged to take him to the Trafford Centre for a shopping trip after he saw her Snapchat story and asked her: "When are you taking me?".

Later, when joking about another pupil joining them, the boy said: "I had better be the only one."

"Obviously it's only you," she wrote back.

Boy A said: "As it should be. Best student if you ask me."

Joynes replied: "That's debatable."

And in another exchange, Boy A said: "Are you asleep?"

Joynes: "Nope. Why? X"

She would go on to groom Boy A, with that fateful Trafford Centre shopping trip, in which she bought him a PS345 Gucci belt from Selfridges. She then brought him back to her flat and had sex with him. His mother would later spot a love bite on his neck.

Months later, after being arrested for her offending against Boy A and suspended from her teaching job, she began speaking with Boy B on Snapchat before inviting him to her flat.

They had sex and an 18-month long relationship began. In April 2022 she became pregnant with their daughter - but, within hours of her revealing the news to Boy B on a 'date night', complete with food from Pizza Express, love notes and rose petals, the police were knocking at the door of the apartment where she abused both victims.

In the trial that followed, while she claimed that she hadn't had sex with Boy A, she claimed she only got into a relationship with Boy B after he had turned 16, after he had left school and after she was dismissed from her post.

The jury didn't believe her. She will be sentenced in July.

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