
About Us


At Social442, we live and breathe football (or soccer, if you prefer), and we're dedicated to creating a vibrant community for fans worldwide. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful idea: to provide a smarter and more interactive way for football fans to follow their favourite club, with more club updates and features to enhance experiences online.

Our Mission

Our mission is to redefine the football experience, transcending borders and bringing fans together irrespective of their location or team allegiance. We aim to be the ultimate digital hub where fans can engage, celebrate victories, analyse matches, and share their passion for football.

What We Offer

Through Social442, we offer a diverse range of features:

Our Commitment

We're committed to providing an inclusive, respectful, and exciting environment for all football enthusiasts. Whether you're a die-hard supporter of a top-tier club or passionate about your local team, Social442 is your platform to connect, engage, and revel in the world's most beloved sport.

Join Us

Join us at Social442 and become a part of a global football family! Together, let's celebrate the thrilling moments, dissect tactics, debate the latest headlines, and ultimately, share the joy that football brings to our lives.

Thank you for being a part of our journey!